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Pure DI

// prettier-ignore
interface Logger { info: (msg: string) => void }
// prettier-ignore
class ConsoleLogger implements Logger { info(msg: string): void { console.log("[Console]:", msg) } }
// prettier-ignore
class PinoLogger implements Logger { info(msg: string): void { console.log("[Pino]:" , msg) } }

// Part 1: Business Entities
interface UserData {
name: string

class AuthService {
async getUserData(): Promise<UserData> {
return { name: "Big Lebowski" }

class User {
constructor(private data: UserData) {}
name = () =>

class PaymentService {
constructor(private readonly logger: Logger, private readonly user: User) {}
sendMoney() {`Sending monery to the: ${} `)
return true

// Step 2: Manual DI
export async function runMyApp() {
const logger =
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
? new PinoLogger()
: new ConsoleLogger()

const auth = new AuthService()
const user = new User(await auth.getUserData())

const paymentService = new PaymentService(logger, user)

console.log(" ---- My App START \n\n")
runMyApp().then(() => {
console.log("\n\n ---- My App END")